Natural stone surfaces are installed on top of cabinets and are not fixed to the wall. Before installing the worktops, ensure that cabinets are complete, stable, level and suitable for bearing the weight of the surface and any other heavy applied loading including sinks filled.
Stone worktops must be supported on strong, weight supporting perimeter frame or on a full solid carcase.
Ensure the worktops are supported sufficiently in areas of joins, cut-outs and over spaces for appliances such as dishwashers, ovens, washing machines etc.
For cut outs longer than 600mm provide side to side support beams under the surface.
Provide support under all worktop joints.
Attach a board between the cabinet tops on both sides of under worktop appliances that generate heat.
For surfaces of 12mm or 20mm if extra reinforcement of the cabinets or the surface is considered necessary, incorporate a full carcass panel in the top of the cabinets.